National Park Conguillío

National Park Conguillio

Land of the dinosaurs

Conguillío National Park is located in the Araucanía Region in Chile. Conguillío comes from “Ko-nqilliu” which in Mapuche language means “pine nuts in the water” or “between pine nuts” based on the abundance of araucarias and the existence of lakes and lagoons that surround them.

The beauty of the park is due to its lakes and lagoons and the incredible Llaima volcano with its surrounding from old lava rivers designed landscape. Conguillío National Park has a unique native vegetation, highlighting the araucarias, ñirres, coihues, lengas, palos santos, raulíes, among others. It is one of the most visited but also beautiful parks in Chile with more than 100,000 visitors per year, attracting mostly foreign tourists. 

The BBC named this National Park as one of the last refuges in the world to preserve the landscape where dinosaurs lived. Part of the documentary “Walking with Dinosaurs” was filmed in this place.

One of the sectors that most attracts tourists is the climb to the Sierra Nevada, a high volcanic mountain range where you can see the beginning of the Blanco River, Lake Conguillío and the Llaima volcano in the background, providing unique postcards for visitors.

The national park was created on May 26, 1950 and is one of the oldest, but most beautiful national parks of Chile. The unit stands out for the protection of fauna species such as the puma, the guiña, the black woodpecker, the mountain monkey, the brown striped lizard, Darwin’s frog and the freshwater dogfish. 

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