Easter Island: A journey of magic and charm to the heart of the Pacific for your customers

Isla de Pascua Costanera

Claudia, Marce, Stephy, Paula, and Marko, travel specialists at Andes Viva, embarked on an adventure to Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui. Their goal: to discover new routes and review hotels to recommend the best to your customers. Of course, also to immerse yourself in the magic and charm that have made it famous all over the world. 

A journey through time and space 

The trip began with a flight from Santiago, flying over the vast Pacific Ocean for 5 hours. Rapa Nui is part of Chilean territory and is located more than 3,000 kilometers from the coast of Chile.   

Suddenly, like an oasis in the middle of the sapphire blue, Easter Island appeared, a green emerald dotted with volcanoes and craters. As they approached, small stone figures began to emerge on the shore: the moai, the ancestral guardians who watch over the island. 

As they stepped off the plane, the cool breeze and lush greenery welcomed them. The sound of Rapa Nui music completed the scene, transporting them to a different world. A local representative welcomed them with a necklace of flowers, a warm Rapa Nui tradition. 

Exploring Easter Island: A Treasure to Discover 

The next few days were dedicated to exploring the island through guided excursions. A Fullday “Anakena” and two Halfdays “Orongo” and “Ahu Akivi” allowed them to discover the best kept secrets of Rapa Nui. 

Local guides were a fundamental part of the trip. Their deep knowledge of the island allowed them to decipher the mysteries of the moai, understand the history and traditions of the Rapa Nui, and access hidden places that only locals have access to. 

An open-air museum 

Easter Island is, in itself, a giant museum. The carefully maintained archaeological sites are home to artifacts and monuments that tell the fascinating story of the island. Terangi, the guide, and Pierre, the driver, were in charge of revealing the story behind each piece, allowing them to distinguish the original works from the reconstructions. 

Manavai: A Legacy of Care and Respect 

The Rapa Nui, as the inhabitants of the island are called, have a deep respect for their land and their culture. They practice Manavai, a traditional way of watering plants and collecting water, which has allowed the island’s natural beauty to be preserved. This philosophy is also reflected in the limitations for visitors, who seek to protect the Rapa Nui heritage for future generations. 

While moai are the icon of Easter Island, the island offers so much more. Claudia, Marce, Stephy, Paula and Marko had the opportunity to swim in crystal clear waters, learn about the origins of the island and admire its exceptional beauty. 

A journey through time 

Easter Island has had a variety of tribes during its short history. The first time humans arrived was a thousand years ago. A small group of Polynesians were rowing in the world’s largest ocean in search of a new land. Each of them has left its mark on the island, visible in petroglyphs, statues and caves. Although much is still unknown about these ancestral cultures, the stories and theories that surround them generate endless questions and fascination. 

The constant wind is a distinctive feature of the island. Although it can affect some activities, it does not significantly impact temperature. During its winter visit in the months of July and August, temperatures will be around 15 and 20 °C approximately. However, don’t rely on cold temperatures: sunscreen is indispensable! 

Tongariki: An Unforgettable Sunrise 

Without a doubt, the most memorable moment of the trip was witnessing the sunrise in Tongariki. Watching the sun emerge from behind the moai, illuminating the sky with a palette of pastel colors, was a unique and unforgettable experience. A perfect farewell to a week full of discoveries and emotions. 

Claudia, Marce, Stephy, Paula and Marko’s trip to Easter Island was a transformative experience. They discovered an island full of history, culture, natural beauty and a warm and welcoming people. A destination that undoubtedly captivates its visitors and leaves an indelible mark on their hearts. 

Traveling to Rapa Nui is a unique and unforgettable experience. It is a magical place that transports you to another era, connects you with nature and allows you to discover a fascinating culture. If you are looking for a different destination, full of history, beauty and mysticism, Rapa Nui or Easter Island is undoubtedly the perfect option. 

Recommendations for future travelers to Easter Island: 

  • Hire local guides: It is essential to have expert local guides to understand the history, culture, and traditions of Easter Island. They will guide you through the most remote places, tell you fascinating stories and help you appreciate the island in all its dimension. 
  • Respect local rules and customs: Easter Island is a sacred place for the Rapa Nui people. It is important to be respectful of their traditions, customs and archaeological sites. Not touching the moai, dressing appropriately when visiting sacred places and following the instructions of the guides are fundamental aspects for a responsible visit. 
  • Plan your trip in advance: Easter Island is a popular destination, so it’s advisable to book flights, accommodation, and excursions in advance, especially in high season. 
  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes: The island has uneven terrain, so it is important to wear comfortable walking shoes. It is also recommended to wear light and cool clothing, as the weather is warm for most of the year. 
  • Protect yourself from the sun: The sun is intense on Easter Island, so it is essential to wear sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat. 
  • Bring cash: Not all places accept credit cards, so it is advisable to carry cash to cover expenses in restaurants, shops and excursions. 
  • Learn some basic words in Rapa Nui: Although most of the island’s inhabitants speak Spanish, learning some basic words in Rapa Nui will help you communicate with the locals and further immerse yourself in the local culture. 
  • Be patient and flexible: Life on Easter Island is slower paced than in the cities. It is important to be patient, flexible and adapt to the local rhythm to enjoy the experience to the fullest. 
Marko, Marce, Paula, Stephy y Claudia from Andes Viva

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